Friday, April 08, 2005


啥~ 原來 Distrowatch 是在台灣噢?

(不知道為什麼每天都會誤打誤撞的看到一些怪東西.... =_= )

站長是巴基斯坦人(Thx Benny),先前是在非洲做跟礦業有關的工作,然後在因緣際會下後來到在百資(Linpus)工作18個月。現在則是完全專心負責 Distrowatch 的運作,收入完全靠廣告(強)。其它的就自己去看吧。其中幾段話我覺得還滿有趣的:

FH: Big part of electronic devices come from Taiwan. How you see the difference between new dynamic economy as that of Taiwan and old economy with tradition like the Czech one. Is it in the people? In the government?

LB: (略) The difference between the Asian tigers and Europe is that people here are much more motivated to make money. Money is vitally important to them so they talk about money all the time.
(文化大不同.... )

They work hard and work long hours to make more money. It always fascinated me to see that most shops here are open from 10am to 10pm every day, including Saturdays and Sundays!

Also, they tend to be less pragmatic(實際的) about failures - if they start a business which fails after a short period of time, they simply blame it on bad feng shui(錯在風水) or unfavourable constellation(不幸的日月星象), rather than themselves(絕對不是自己的錯). Then they move on and try something else(然後就算了,問題還是沒解決).

FH: How is it with Linux distros in Taiwan? In Czech Republic is No. 1 Mandrake, than probably Debian and Suse, is it so in Taiwan?

LB: (略)...
Unfortunately, most of Asia is pretty dead when it comes to Linux, especially on the desktop (with the possible exception of Thailand). Asia's governments are virtually "married" to Microsoft and they spend an insane amount of money on licensing Windows for schools and public offices. If they diverted just a tiny fraction of it to sponsor open source software and make it more useable for local users, Asian desktop Linux could be a reality.

他知道台灣的 Linux 社群嗎? 好奇.... 似乎他還是在台灣生活的樣子。



I am not sure where Pakistan comes in - I've certainly never visited Pakistan.

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