Monday, April 04, 2005


Sexy GNUstep


其實 GNUstep 的架構相當完整,並不會輸給 KDE 或是 Gnome。
而且最大的好處是軟體要 port 到 Mac OS X 並不難。
記得以前 GOT 上面也有一個 GNUstep 專門的 forum。

也需會那天抓 GNUstep Livd CD 來玩玩吧?

OSNews: New GNUstep libraries released (ApplicationKit and FoundationKit)
Programming under GNUstep - An Introduction
GNUstep applications on Freshmeat
OSDir GNUstep Live CD screenshots
The same code works for GNUstep and Cocoa? So why is it that in GNUstep, everything looks like basic X primitives from the early 1980's?

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